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Text File  |  1995-10-07  |  20KB  |  486 lines

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. //  GoldED 2.50 * Example Language Definition File
  4. //
  5. //  Before you start redefining the language, I suggest you print this
  6. //  file and keep it close for reference. Redefining can be a slow and
  7. //  difficult process.
  8. //
  9. //  The format of lines in this language file is:
  10. //
  11. //      <stringid> <"string">
  12. //
  13. //  Each stringid is prefixed with a category, to allow easier
  14. //  identification for your own redefinitions. Not case sensitive.
  15. //
  16. //  ID Categories:
  17. //  --------------
  18. //  ST_     Status Line     Variable length
  19. //  WT_     Window Title    Variable length
  20. //  MI_     Menu Item       Fixed length, first character QuickChar.
  21. //  IL_     Info Line       Variable length
  22. //  WL_     Window Line     Usually fixed length.
  23. //  HD_     Header Line     Usually fixed length.
  24. //  MS_     Message         Variable length.
  25. //  ER_     Error Message   Variable length.
  26. //
  27. //  "Fixed length" means that all the strings must the same length.
  28. //  The actual length is normally only limited by the screen size. In
  29. //  case of menus, the window width is always based on the length of
  30. //  the *first* item string.
  31. //
  32. //  A "QuickChar" is the highlighted direct-select character in the
  33. //  menu items. The QuickChar is case sensitive, and must match a
  34. //  character in the string.
  35. //
  36. //  Strings should always be enclosed in quotes ("" or ''). The
  37. //  exception is if the string does not need leading/trailing spaces.
  38. //
  39. //  Some strings contains escape sequences or format specifiers as
  40. //  used in the "C" language. Certain tokens from the templates can
  41. //  also be used in some special strings.
  42. //
  43. //  Escape sequences: (Case sensitive!)
  44. //  -----------------------------------
  45. //  \n  - Line Feed (LF) (translates to CR+LF in files).
  46. //  \r  - Carriage Return (CR).
  47. //
  48. //  The escape sequences are normally used in lines for files or
  49. //  standard (DOS) output messages.
  50. //
  51. //  Format specifiers: (Case sensitive!)
  52. //  ------------------------------------
  53. //  %c  - Character.
  54. //  %s  - String.
  55. //  %i  - Integer.
  56. //  %u  - Unsigned Integer.
  57. //  %%  - A literal percent (%) character.
  58. //
  59. //  If you change a line with format specifiers, please be careful to
  60. //  have them in the same quantity and order as in the original
  61. //  example. Failure to do this can cause unpredictable results..
  62. //
  63. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  66. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. // Weekdays, short
  70. MS_SWSUN             "Sun"
  71. MS_SWMON             "Mon"
  72. MS_SWTUE             "Tue"
  73. MS_SWWED             "Wed"
  74. MS_SWTHU             "Thu"
  75. MS_SWFRI             "Fri"
  76. MS_SWSAT             "Sat"
  78. // Weekdays, long
  79. MS_LWSUNDAY          "Sunday"
  80. MS_LWMONDAY          "Monday"
  81. MS_LWTUESDAY         "Tuesday"
  82. MS_LWWEDNESDAY       "Wednesday"
  83. MS_LWTHURSDAY        "Thursday"
  84. MS_LWFRIDAY          "Friday"
  85. MS_LWSATURDAY        "Saturday"
  87. // Months, short
  88. MS_SMJAN             "Jan"
  89. MS_SMFEB             "Feb"
  90. MS_SMMAR             "Mar"
  91. MS_SMAPR             "Apr"
  92. MS_SMMAY             "May"
  93. MS_SMJUN             "Jun"
  94. MS_SMJUL             "Jul"
  95. MS_SMAUG             "Aug"
  96. MS_SMSEP             "Sep"
  97. MS_SMOCT             "Oct"
  98. MS_SMNOV             "Nov"
  99. MS_SMDEC             "Dec"
  101. // Months, long
  102. MS_LMJANUARY         "January"
  103. MS_LMFEBRUARY        "February"
  104. MS_LMMARCH           "March"
  105. MS_LMAPRIL           "April"
  106. MS_LMMAY             "May"
  107. MS_LMJUNE            "June"
  108. MS_LMJULY            "July"
  109. MS_LMAUGUST          "August"
  110. MS_LMSEPTEMBER       "September"
  111. MS_LMOCTOBER         "October"
  112. MS_LMNOVEMBER        "November"
  113. MS_LMDECEMBER        "December"
  116. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. ST_IMPORTFILE        "Import File"
  120. WT_IMPORTWHICHFILE   " Import which file? "
  121. WT_IMPORTPICK        " Import "
  122. ST_IMPORTSTATUS      "Importing from %s"
  123. ST_EXPORTFILE        "Export File"
  124. WT_EXPORTWHATFILE    " Export to what file? "
  125. ST_EXPORTSTATUS      "Exporting to %s"
  126. ST_EDITSTATUS        "Edit %i,%i. %s"
  127. ST_SELECTFILES       "Select Files"
  128. WL_SELECTEDFILES     "Selected Files      "
  129. WL_SELECTEDBYTES     "         Bytes      "
  130. WL_TOTALFILES        "Total    Files      "
  131. WL_TOTALBYTES        "         Bytes      "
  132. WL_MOVEFILEBAR       "Cursor/Page  Move Selection Bar"
  133. WL_TOGGLEFILE        "Space/Ins    Toggle Selection"
  134. WL_ACCEPTFILES       "Enter        Accept Selections"
  135. WL_SELECTALLFILES    "Ctrl-Enter   Select All"
  136. WL_ABORTFILES        "ESC          Abort Selection"
  137. WL_SCANNINGDIRECTORY "             Scanning Directory             "
  138. WL_NOFILESFOUND      "             * NO FILES FOUND *             "
  139. ST_FILESPRESSKEY     "Press any key to continue"
  140. WT_AREA              "Area"
  141. WT_DESCRIPTION       "Description"
  142. WT_MSGS              "Msgs"
  143. WT_LAST              "Last"
  144. WT_ECHOID            "EchoID"
  145. ST_UNREAD            "unread"
  146. WT_SCANAREAS         " Scan Areas "
  147. MI_SCANALL           "A Scan All       "
  148. MI_SCANMARKED        "M Scan Marked    "
  149. MI_SCANCURRENT       "C Scan Current   "
  150. MI_SCANMATCHING      "t Scan Matching  "
  151. MI_SCANUNSCANNED     "U Scan Unscanned "
  152. MI_NOSCAN            "N No Scan  / ESC "
  153. WT_HEATAREAS         " Heat Areas "
  154. MI_HEATALL           "A Heat All      "
  155. MI_HEATMARKED        "M Heat Marked   "
  156. MI_HEATCURRENT       "C Heat Current  "
  157. MI_NOHEAT            "N No Heat / ESC "
  158. WT_ZAPAREAS          " Zap Areas "
  159. MI_ZAPALL            "A Zap All      "
  160. MI_ZAPMARKED         "M Zap Marked   "
  161. MI_ZAPCURRENT        "C Zap Current  "
  162. MI_NOZAP             "N No Zap / ESC "
  163. MS_DOS_SHELL         "GoldED Shell. Type EXIT To Return."
  164. IL_SCANNINGAREA      " Scanning Area:"
  165. IL_SEARCHINGFOR      " Searching for"
  166. ST_READINGMSG        "Reading Msg %u of %u"
  167. ER_OUTOFMEM          "Out of memory!"
  168. MS_HEXDUMPHEAD       "Hexdump of message header:"
  169. MS_HEXDUMPTEXT       "Hexdump of message text:"
  170. ST_RENUMBERING       "Renumbering"
  171. ST_LOCKED            " (locked)"
  172. ST_RENUMBERED        "Messages Renumbered - Press Key"
  173. WL_BLANKMSG          ""
  174. WL_WAIT              " Wait "
  175. IL_GENHEXDUMP        " Generating Hexdump - Please Wait "
  176. ST_PROCESSCC         "Processing Carbon Copies"
  177. ST_STATUSCC          "CC: %s of %u:%u/%u.%u"
  178. ST_DESTINATIONCC     "Select Carbon Copy Destination"
  179. MS_LISTCC            "%s  %u:%u/%u.%u"
  180. WT_DELORIG           " Delete Original? "
  181. MI_DELORIGYES        "Y       Yes Please.      "
  182. MI_DELORIGNO         "N           No!          "
  183. WT_DROPMSG           " Drop This Msg? "
  184. MI_DROPMSGYES        "Y       Yes Please.      "
  185. MI_DROPMSGNO         "N           No!          "
  186. WT_ZONEGATE          " Send via ZoneGate? "
  187. MI_ZONEGATEYES       "Y       Yes Please.      "
  188. MI_ZONEGATENO        "N           No!          "
  189. ST_QUOTEPCT          "Your Msg Contains %i%% Quotes%s"
  190. WT_SAVEMSG           " Save these %i lines? "
  191. MI_YESGREAT          "Y Yes, it's great stuff "
  192. MI_KICKIT            "N No, drop it..   / ESC "
  193. MI_CONTINUE          "C Continue writing      "
  194. MI_ROT13             "R ROT13 Crypting        "
  195. MI_ATTRS             "A Change Attributes     "
  196. MI_ORIGS             "O Change Origin         "
  197. MI_VIEW              "V View the message      "
  198. ST_SELECTDESTNODE    "Select Destination Node"
  199. WT_ATTACHFILES       " Attach Files "
  200. WT_UPDREQFILES       " Update Request Files "
  201. ST_EDITHEADER        "Edit Header Data"
  202. WT_EDITING           " Editing "
  203. MI_INTERNALED        "I Internal Editor "
  204. MI_EXTERNALED        "E External Editor "
  205. MI_SAVEMESSAGE       "S Save Message    "
  206. MI_ATTRO             "A Attributes      "
  207. MI_TEMPLATE          "T Templates       "
  208. MI_ORIGIN            "O Origins         "
  209. MI_QUITMESSAGE       "Q Quit      / ESC "
  210. ST_TEMPLATES         " Templates "
  211. WT_CHANGETEMPLATES   "Change Default Template"
  212. WT_CARBONCOPY        " Carbon Copy "
  213. MI_CCPROCESS         "P Process CC's "
  214. MI_CCIGNORE          "I Ignore  CC's "
  215. MI_CCATTRIBS         "C Change Attrs "
  216. MI_CCLISTFMT         "L L